Cover image for In Honor of Ernest R. Lacheman on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, April 29, 1981 Edited by Martha A. Morrison and David I. Owen

In Honor of Ernest R. Lacheman on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, April 29, 1981

Edited by Martha A. Morrison and David I. Owen


In Honor of Ernest R. Lacheman on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, April 29, 1981

Edited by Martha A. Morrison and David I. Owen

Thirty-one articles by students and colleagues of an individual responsible for the publication of much of the textual material which forms the basis of knowledge of Nuzi and the Hurrian civilization; there are also copies of a number of texts not published heretofore.


  • Description
  • Table of Contents
Thirty-one articles by students and colleagues of an individual responsible for the publication of much of the textual material which forms the basis of knowledge of Nuzi and the Hurrian civilization; there are also copies of a number of texts not published heretofore.



Table of Contents

Ernest Rene Lacheman, a Tribute - D. I. Owen, M. A. Morrison, C. H. Gordon

Bibliography of Ernest Rene Lacheman - M. A. Morrison, D. I. Owen


Notes on a Pair of Matching Texts: A Shepherd’s Bulla and an Owner’s Receipt - TZ. ABUSCH

Toponymic Parallels Between the Nuzi Area and Northern Syria. Appendix: Nuzi Place Names in Egyptian Topographic Lists - M. C. ASTOUR

Hurrians in Babylonia in the Late Second Millennium B.C.: An Unexploited Minority Resource for Socio-Economic and Philological Analysis - J. A. BRINKMAN

Une Querelle de Famille - E. CASSIN

Die Hausgotter der Familie Sukrija S. Huja - K. DELLER

Evidence on the Ethnic Divison of the Hurrians - I. M. DIAKONOFF

Die Familie Kizzuk - Sieben Kassitengeneration im Temtena und Suriniwe - G. DOSCH and K. DELLER

Suprarational Legal Procedures in Elam and Nuzi - T. FRYMER-KENSKY

Alalahian Miscellanies II - E. GAAL

The Nuzi Collections in the Harvard Semitic Museum - C. E. S. GAVIN

Erebu Marriage - C. H. GORDON

Dowry and Brideprice in Nuzi - K. GROSZ

Betrachtungen zum Gotte Tilla - V. HAAS

The Hurrian Story of the Sungod, the Cow and the Fisherman - H. A. HOFFNER, JR.

Life of the Military Elite in Arraphe - N. B. JANKOWSKA

Gurpisu sa aweli: The Helmets of the Warriors at Nuzi - T. KENDALL

The Office of halsuhlu in the Nuzi Texts - M. MAIDMAN

Beitrage zum hurro-akkadischen Lexikon II - W. MAYER

Evidence for Herdsmen and Animal Husbandry in the Nuzi Documents - M. A. MORRISON

Gasur nella Documentazione Epigrafica di Ebla - G. PETTINATO

Qualche dato di Confronto fra Nomi di Persona Hurriti - C. SAPORETTI

On Idrimi and Sarruwa, the Scribe - J. M. SASSON

Alcune Osservazioni sui Testi HSS XIX 113 e HSS XIX 114 - P. NEGRI SCAFA

Uberlegungen zu einigen Demonstrativa und Partikeln des Hurritischen - H. J. THIEL

Zusammenschlusse von Nuzi-Texten - G. WILHELM

A Note on Nuzi Textiles - C. ZACCAGNINI


Ein fruhes tuppi maruti aus Tell al-Fahhar/Kurruhanni - A. FADHIL

Texts from Arrapha and from Nuzi in the Yale Babylonian Collection - E. R. LACHEMAN and D. I. OWEN

Strays from a ‘Nuzi’ Archive. Appendix: Two ‘Nuzi’ Texts in the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine - A. R. MILLARD

Ein Prozess um einen Kreditkauf in Nuzi - M. MULLER

Text Fragments from Arrapha in the Kelsey Museum of Art and Archaeology, The University of Michigan - D. I. OWEN

Indexes to Part II - K. DELLER

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