Cover image for Solving Riddles and Untying Knots: Biblical, Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in Honor of Jonas C. Greenfield Edited by Ziony Zevit, Seymour (Sy) Gitin, and Michael Sokoloff

Solving Riddles and Untying Knots

Biblical, Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in Honor of Jonas C. Greenfield

Edited by Ziony Zevit, Seymour (Sy) Gitin, and Michael Sokoloff


$85.95 | Hardcover Edition
ISBN: 978-0-931464-93-5

704 pages
6" × 9"

Solving Riddles and Untying Knots

Biblical, Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in Honor of Jonas C. Greenfield

Edited by Ziony Zevit, Seymour (Sy) Gitin, and Michael Sokoloff

Jonas Greenfield was one of the foremost epigraphers and biblical scholars of this generation. This volume, dedicated to Professor Greenfield by his students, colleagues, and friends, reflects the broad spectrum of academic interests he pursued: Bible, Qumran, epigraphy, and Semitics.


  • Description
  • Table of Contents
Jonas Greenfield was one of the foremost epigraphers and biblical scholars of this generation. This volume, dedicated to Professor Greenfield by his students, colleagues, and friends, reflects the broad spectrum of academic interests he pursued: Bible, Qumran, epigraphy, and Semitics.


Bibliography of the Published Writings of Jonas C. Greenfield



Jes P. Asmussen: Copenhagen - Some Bird Names in the Judeo-Persian Translations of the Hebrew Bible

Joshua Blau: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities - The Monophthongization of Diphthongs as Reflected in the Use of Vowel Letters in the Pentateuch

Ariel A. Bloch: University of California at Berkeley - The Cedar and the Palm Tree: A Paired Male/Female Symbol in Hebrew and Aramaic

William M. Brinner: University of California at Berkeley - Some Problems in the Arabic Transmission of Biblical Names

Magen Broshi: Israel Museum and Ada Yardeni: Hebrew University - On ‘netinim’ and False Prophets

Andre Caquot: College de France, Paris - Grandeur et purete du sacerdoce: Remarques sur le ‘Testament de Qahat’ (4Q542)

Henri Cazelles: Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris - Ahiqar, ‘Umman’ and ‘Amun,’ and Biblical Wisdom Texts

Riccardo Contini: University of Venice - Epistolary Evidence of Address Phenomena in Official and Biblical Aramaic

Moshe Greenberg: Hebrew University - The Etymology of ‘ndh’ (Menstrual) Impurity

William W. Hallo: Yale University - Slave Release in the Biblical World in Light of a New Text

Stephen A. Kaufman: Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati - Paragogic ‘nun’ in Biblical Hebrew: Hypercorrection as a Clue to a Lost Scribal Practice

Michael L. Klein: Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem - A Fragment-Targum of ‘Onqelos’ from the Cairo Genizah

Tryggve Kronholm: University of Uppsala - Abraham, the Physician: The Image of Abraham the Patriarch in the Genuine Hymns of Ephraem Syrus

Jacob Lassner: Northwestern University - Ritual Purity and Political Exile: Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, and the Events of 586 B.C.E. in a Yemenite Folktale

Baruch A. Levine: New York University - The Semantics of Loss: Two Exercises in Biblical Hebrew Lexicography

Peter Machinist: Harvard University - Fate, ‘miqreh,’ and Reason: Some Reflections on Qohelet and Biblical Thought

Abraham Malamat: Hebrew University - A Recently Discovered Word for ‘Clan’ in Mari and Its Hebrew Cognate

Emile Puech: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Note de lexicographie hebraique qumranienne (‘m-sw / yrwq, mhsbym, swt’)

Elisha Qimron: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev - A Work concerning Divine Providence: 4Q413

Nahum M. Sarna: Brandeis University - Variant Scriptural Readings in Liturgical Texts

Lawrence H. Schiffman: New York University - 4QMysteriesa: A Preliminary Edition and Translation

Stanislav Segert: University of California at Los Angeles - Poetic Structures in the Hebrew Sections of the Book of Daniel

Shaul Shaked: Hebrew University - Qumran: Some Iranian Connections

J. A. Soggin: Universita di Roma—La Sapienza - Abraham and the Eastern Kings: On Genesis 14

Michael E. Stone: Hebrew University - A New Edition and Translation of the ‘Questions of Ezra’

Hayim Tadmor: Hebrew University - Was the Biblical ‘saris’ a Eunuch?

Shemaryahu Talmon: Hebrew University - A Calendrical Document from Qumran Cave 4 (mismarot D, 4Q325)

Jeffrey H. Tigay: University of Pennsylvania - ‘He Had Not Become Wrinkled’ (Deuteronomy 34:7)

Emanuel Tov: Hebrew University - A Paraphrase of Exodus: 4Q422

J. P. Weinberg: Jerusalem - The Word ‘nbd’ in the Bible: A Study in Historical Semantics and Biblical Thought


Shmuel Ahituv: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev - Flour and Dough: Gleanings from the Arad Letters

Walter E. Aufrecht: The University of Lethbridge, Canada - A Phoenician Seal

Klaus Beyer: Heidelberg University - The Ammonite Tell Siran Bottle Inscription Reconsidered

Frank Moore Cross: Harvard University - Paleography and the Date of the Tell Fahariyeh Bilingual Inscription

Philippe Gignoux: Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris - The Pahlavi Inscription on Mount Thomas Cross (South India)

Andre Lemaire: Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris - The Xanthos Trilingual Revisited

E. Lipinski: Katholiek Universiteit Leuven - The Inscribed Marble Vessels from Kition

Philip Mayerson: New York University - Grain Prices in Late Antiquity and the Nature of the Evidence

Alan Millard: University of Liverpool - Latin in First-Century Palestine

Joseph Naveh: Hebrew University - Phoenician Ostraca from Tel Dor


Tzvi Abusch: Brandeis University - The Socio-Religious Framework of the Babylonian Witchcraft Ceremony ‘Maqlu’: Some Observations on the Introductory Section of the Text, Part II

Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo: Universita degli Studi di Roma - More on the Latin Personal Names Ending with ‘-us’ and ‘-ius’ in Punic

Arnold J. Band: University of California at Los Angeles - Regelson, Pagis, and Wallach: Three Poems on the Hebrew Language

M. A. Dandamayev: Institute for Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg - The Neo-Babylonian ‘tamkaru’

M. J. Geller: University College, London - An Eanna Tablet from Uruk in Cleveland

Victor Avigdor Hurowitz: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev - An Old Babylonian Bawdy Ballad

William L. Moran: Harvard University - Some Reflections on Amarna Politics

David I. Owen: Cornell University - Pasuri-Dagan and Ini-Tessup’s Mother

Shalom M. Paul: Hebrew University - The ‘Plural of Ecstasy’ in Mesopotamian and Babylonian Love Poetry

Jack M. Sasson: University of North Carolina - Water beneath Straw: Adventures of a Prophetic Phrase in the Mari Archives

Marcel Sigrist: Ecole Biblique, Jerusalem - Some di-til-la Tablets in the British Museum

Aaron Skaist: Bar-Ilan University - ‘Simu gamru’: Its Function and History

Mark S. Smith: St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia - The God Athtar in the Ancient Near East and His Place in KTU 1.6 I

Index of Authors

Index of Scripture

Index of Ancient Texts

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