Cover image for The Place Is Too Small for Us: The Israelite Prophets in Recent Scholarship Edited by Robert P. Gordon

The Place Is Too Small for Us

The Israelite Prophets in Recent Scholarship

Edited by Robert P. Gordon


$56.95 | Hardcover Edition
ISBN: 978-1-57506-000-2

656 pages
6" × 9"

Sources for Biblical and Theological Study

The Place Is Too Small for Us

The Israelite Prophets in Recent Scholarship

Edited by Robert P. Gordon

These seminal essays have been carefully selected to provide a comprehensive introduction to both the major interpretive issues and the major interpreters of biblical prophetic literature. The essays discuss: The Near Eastern Background; The Message of the Prophets; The Art of Prophecy; Prophecy and Society; The Developing Tradition; Prophecy after the Prophets; and Future Directions.


  • Description
  • Table of Contents
These seminal essays have been carefully selected to provide a comprehensive introduction to both the major interpretive issues and the major interpreters of biblical prophetic literature. The essays discuss: The Near Eastern Background; The Message of the Prophets; The Art of Prophecy; Prophecy and Society; The Developing Tradition; Prophecy after the Prophets; and Future Directions.

Series Preface

Editor’s Preface



Robert P. Gordon - A Story of Two Paradigm Shifts

Part 1: The Near Eastern Background


Moshe Weinfeld - Ancient Near Eastern Patterns in Prophetic Literature

Abraham Malamat - Prophecy at Mari

Part 2: The Message of the Prophets


John Barton - Ethics in Isaiah of Jerusalem

C. Westermann - Oracles of Salvation

Part 3: The Art of Prophecy


W. David Stacey - The Function of Prophetic Drama

Walter Houston - What Did the Prophets Think They Were Doing? Speech Acts and Prophetic Discourse in the Old Testament

Stephen A. Geller - Were the Prophets Poets?

D. J. A. Clines - Language as Event

Michael V. Fox - The Rhetoric of Ezekiel’s Vision of the Valley of the Bones

Carol A. Newsom - A Maker of Metaphors: Ezekiel’s Oracles against Tyre

John T. Willis - Dialogue between Prophet and Audience as a Rhetorical Device in the Book of Jeremiah

Michael Fishbane - The Priestly Blessing and Its Aggadic Reuse

John Day - Inner-biblical Interpretation in the Prophets

J. H. Eaton - Festal Drama

P. R. House - Dialogue in Zephaniah

David F. Payne - Jonah from the Perspective of Its Audience

Part 4: Prophecy and Society


David L. Petersen - Ecstasy and Role Enactment

A. Graeme Auld - Prophets through the Looking Glass: Between Writings and Moses

Burke O. Long - Social Dimensions of Prophetic Conflict

R. R. Wilson - Interpreting Israel’s Religion: An Anthropological Perspective on the Problem of False Prophecy

Ernest W. Nicholson - Prophecy and Covenant

Thomas W. Overholt - Prophecy in History: The Social Reality of Intermediation

R. P. Carroll - Ancient Israelite Prophecy and Dissonance Theory

Joseph Blenkinsopp - The ‘Servants of the Lord’ in Third Isaiah: Profile of a Pietistic Group in the Persian Epoch

Part 5: The Developing Tradition


Walther Zimmerli - From Prophetic Word to Prophetic Book

Ronald E. Clements - Prophets, Editors, and Tradition

H. G. M. Williamson - The Prophet and the Plumb-Line: A Redaction-Critical Study of Amos 7

P. R. Ackroyd - Isaiah 36-39: Structure and Function

Otto Kaiser - Literary Criticism and Tendez-Criticism: Methodological Reflections on the Exegesis of Isaiah

Brevard S. Childs - The Canonical Shape of the Prophetic Literature

Part 6: Prophecy after the Prophets


Thomas W. Overholt - The End of Prophecy: No Players without a Program

F. F. Bruce - Prophetic Interpretation in the Septuagint

Christopher T. Begg - The ‘Classical Prophets’ in Josephus’ Antiquities

John F. A. Sawyer - Prophecy and Interpretation

Part 7: Future Directions

Werner H. Schmidt - Contemporary Issues

Ferdinand E. Deist - The Prophets: Are We Heading for a Paradigm Switch?

Robert P. Gordon - Present Trends and Future Directions


Index of Authorities

Index of Scripture

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