Recent Developments in Hittite Archaeology and History
Papers in Memory of Hans G. Guterbock
Edited by K. Aslihan Yener and Harry A. Hoffner Jr.
Recent Developments in Hittite Archaeology and History
Papers in Memory of Hans G. Guterbock
Edited by K. Aslihan Yener and Harry A. Hoffner Jr.
This collection of scholarly essays centered in Hittitology pays tribute to the life and distinguished career of Hans Güterbock. Stemming from research papers presented at the 1997 meeting of the American Oriental Society, this volume reexamines the philological, historical, and archaeological evidence from the Hittite period. Reporting on new archaeological excavations, philological study, and historical research, these scholars inform and sharpen our knowledge of ancient Anatolia.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Excavations in Hittite Heartlands: New Investigations in Late Bronze Age Anatolia - K. Aslihan Yener
The Storm-God at ‘Ain Dara - Robert L. Alexander
Formation of the West Hurrian Pantheon: The Case of Ishara - Alfonso Archi
Babyloniaca Hethitica: The ‘babilili-Ritual‘ from Bogazkoy (CTH 718) - Gary Beckman
Bearded or Beardless? Some Speculations on the Function of the Beard among the Hittites - Hripsime Haroutunian
Hittite Seals and Sealings from the Nisantepe Archive, Bogazkoy: A Prosopographical Study - Susan Herbordt
The Treatment and Long Term Use of Persons Captured in Battle according to the Masat Texts - Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.
Tombs And Memorials: The (Divine) Stone-House and Hegur Reconsidered - Theo van den Hout
Palaces and Local Communities in Some Hittite Provincial Seats - Fiorella Imparati
Problems in Hittite History, Solved and Unsolved - Horst Klengel
Gavurkalesi: Investigations at a Hittite Sacred Place - Stephen Lumsden
Comparative Observations on Hittite Rituals - Gregory McMahon
Tarhuntassa in the SUDBURG Hieroglyphic Inscription - H. Craig Melchert
Kusakli-Sarissa: A Hittite Town in the ‘Upper Land’ - Andreas Muller-Karpe
Ortakoy-Sapinuwa - Aygul Suel
Homer and Hittite Revisited II - Calvert Watkins
The ‘Hittites’ at ’Ain Dara - Paul Zimansky
New Directions in the Study of Early Anatolian Texts - Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.
Index of Hittite and Other Ancient Near Eastern Texts
Index of Modern Place-Names and Ancient Sites
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