“I Will Speak the Riddles of Ancient Times”
Archaeological and Historical Studies in Honor of Amihai Mazar on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday
Edited by Aren M. Maeir and Pierre de Miroschedji
“I Will Speak the Riddles of Ancient Times”
Archaeological and Historical Studies in Honor of Amihai Mazar on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday
Edited by Aren M. Maeir and Pierre de Miroschedji
Ami Mazar has gained a reputation as one of the most prolific and reliable archaeologists doing work in Israel during the last 40 years. Not only has he participated in and directed excavations at many sites, his professional standards are of the first order, and what’s more, his publication record is enviable: he has never begun a new major project before the final publication of the previous excavation was well underway. Here, more than 55 colleagues gather to honor him with a wide range of essays, organized in 7 sections:
- Description
- Table of Contents
I. Early Bronze Age Studies
II. Middle and Late Bronze Age Studies
III. Philistine/Sea Peoples Studies
IV. Iron Age Studies
V. Historical, Biblical, and Epigraphic Studies
VI. Jerusalem Studies
VII. Post–Iron Age Studies
An international group of contributors includes: E. Braun, I. Finkelstein, D. Ussishkin, P. M. Fischer, R. Gophna, D. Gazit, R. Greenberg, P. de Miroschedji, B. Sass, M. Sebbane, E. Yannai, M. Artzy, M. Bietak, A. Caubet, M. Yon, T. Dothan, M. Jasmin, E. H. E. Lass, J.-C. Margueron, P. Matthiae, R. S. Merrillees, R. A. Mullins, A. F. Rainey, E. D. Oren, A. Gilboa, A. Cohen-Weinberger, Y. Goren, A. Maeir, I. Shai, S. Sherratt, L. E. Stager, E. Stern, O. Borowski, J. M. Cahill, W. G. Dever, A. Faust, S. Gitin, L. G. Herr, V. Karageorghis, A. E. Killebrew, R. Kletter, Z. Lederman, S. Bunimovitz, S. M. Ortiz, N. Panitz-Cohen, R. E. Tappy, D. Edelman, A. Fink, V. Fritz, A. Lemaire, W. M. Schniedewind, I. Singer, A. G. Vaughn, C. Dobler, E. Mazar, S. M. Paul, R. Reich, E. Shukron, J. R. Zorn, H. Eshel, B. Zissu, L. Horowitz, A. Kloner, E. M. Meyers, and S. A. Rosen.
Volume 1
Aren M. Maeir and Pierre de Miroschedji
Introduction: Amihai Mazar, an Appreciation
Aren M. Maeir and Pierre de Miroschedji
Bibliography of Amihai Mazar
Compiled by Nava Panitz-Cohen
Part 1: Early Bronze Age Studies
Parochialism in Early Bronze Age I Ceramic Traditions: The Case of a “Safi Cup” from the EB I Site at Palmahim Quarry, Israel Eliot Braun
Two Notes on Early Bronze Age Megiddo Israel Finkelstein and David Ussishkin
Copper and Bronze Objects from Tell Abu al-Kharaz and Sahem, Jordan: Some Reflections on the Results of Atomic-Absorption Spectroscopy Peter M. Fischer
The Southern Frontier of Canaan during the Early Bronze Age III: Some Neglected Evidence Ram Gophna and Dan Gazit
What’s Cooking in Early Bronze Age II? Raphael Greenberg
A Failed Innovation: Early Bronze Age Trapezoid Mud Bricks at Lod Egon H. E. Lass
At the Dawn of History: Sociopolitical Developments in Southwestern Canaan in Early Bronze Age III Pierre de Miroschedji
The Fourth-Millennium bce Origin of the Three-Tanged “Epsilon” Axe Benjamin Sass and Michael Sebbane
The Origin and Distribution of the Collared-Rim Pithos and Krater: A Case of Conservative Pottery Production in the Ancient Near East from the Fourth to the First Millennium bce Eli Yannai
Part 2: Middle and Late Bronze Age Studies
“Filling in” the Void: Observations on the Habitation Pattern at Tel Akko at the End of the Late Bronze Age Michal Artzy
Nomads or mnmn.t-Shepherds in the Eastern Nile Delta in the New Kingdom Manfred Bietak
Quelques perles de cornaline Annie Caubet et Marguerite Yon
Female Figurines from the Deir el-Balah Settlement and Cemetery Trude Dothan
The Political Organization of the City-States in Southwestern Palestine in the Late Bronze Age IIB (13th Century bc) Michaël Jasmin
Architecture et modélisme au Proche-Orient Jean-Claude Margueron
Middle Bronze Age II Minor Cult Places at Ebla? Paolo Matthiae
A Seal-Cutter’s Workshop at Enkomi and Its Implications for the Nationality of Late Cypriot Bronze Age Glyptics Robert S. Merrillees
A Corpus of Eighteenth Dynasty Egyptian-Style Pottery from Tel Beth-Shean Robert A. Mullins
An Egyptian Marsh Scene on Pottery from Tel Seraº: A Case of Egyptianization in Late Bronze Age III Canaan Eliezer D. Oren
Sinuhe’s World Anson F. Rainey
Part 3: Philistine/Sea Peoples Studies
Philistine Bichrome Pottery: The View from the Northern Canaanite Coast Ayelet Gilboa, Anat Cohen-Weinberger, Yuval Goren
A Philistine “Head Cup” (Rhyton) from Tell es-Sâfi/Gath Aren M. Maeir
The Political Organization of the Philistines Itzhaq Shai
The Chronology of the Philistine Monochrome Pottery: An Outsider’s View Susan Sherratt
Biblical Philistines: A Hellenistic Literary Creation? Lawrence E. Stager
The Sea Peoples Cult in Philistia and Northern Israel Ephraim Stern
Volume 2
Part 4: Iron Age Studies
Ecological Principles in the Bible: Surviving in the Hill Country Oded Borowski
The Early Israelite Monarchy in the Sorek Valley: Tel Beth-Shemesh and Tel Batash (Timnah) in the 10th and 9th Centuries bce Shlomo Bunimovitz and Zvi Lederman
The Excavations at Tell el-Hammah: A Prelude to Amihai Mazar’s Beth-Shean Valley Regional Project Jane M. Cahill
Archaeology and Ancient Israelite Iconography: Did Yahweh Have a Face? William G. Dever
Farmsteads in the Foothills of Western Samaria: A Reexamination Avraham Faust
The lmlk Jar-Form Redefined: A New Class of Iron Age II Oval-Shaped Storage Jar Seymour Gitin
Black-Burnished Ammonite Bowls from Tall al-ºUmayri and Tall Hisban in Jordan Larry G. Herr
Notes on Religious Symbolism in Cypriot Vase-Painting, ca–600 bc Vassos Karageorghis
The Emergence of Ancient Israel: The Social Boundaries of a “Mixed Multitude” in Canaan Ann E. Killebrew
Can a Proto-Israelite Please Stand Up? Notes on the Ethnicity of Iron Age Israel and Judah Raz Kletter
Does the “Low Chronology” Work? A Case Study of Tell Qasile X Tel Gezer X, and Lachish V Steven M. Ortiz
“Off the Wall”: Wall Brackets and Cypriots in Iron Age I Israel Nava Panitz-Cohen
The Provenance of the Unpublished Ivories from Samaria Ron E. Tappy
Part 5: Historical, Biblical and Epigraphic Studies
The Function of the m(w)ssh-Stamped Jars Revisited Diana Edelman
The Historical Prologue in a Letter from Suppiluliuma II to ºAmmurapiª King of Ugarit (RS 18.038) Amir Sumakaªi Fink
The Complex of Traditions in Judges 4 and 5 and the Religion of Pre-state Israel Volkmar Fritz
Salomon et la fille de Pharaon: Un problème d’interprétation historique André Lemaire
The Search for Gibeah: Notes on the Historical Geography of Central Benjamin William M. Schniedewind
The Hittites and the Bible Revisited Itamar Singer
A Provenance Study of Hebrew Seals and Seal Impressions: A Statistical Analysis Andrew G. Vaughn and Carolyn Pillers Dobler
Part 6: Jerusalem Studies
The Solomonic Wall in Jerusalem Eilat Mazar
Shalom M. Paul On the Original Length of Hezekiah’s Tunnel: Some Critical Notes on David Ussishkin’s Suggestions Ronny Reich and Eli Shukron
The Burials of the Judean Kings: Sociohistorical Considerations and Suggestions Jeffrey R. Zorn
Part 7: Post–Iron Age Studies
Two Notes on the History and Archaeology of Judea in the Persian Period Hanan Eshel and Boaz Zissu
The Application of Ethnographic Analogy to the Examination of Roman/Byzantine Pastoral Practices in the Mount Carmel Region Liora Kolska Horwitz
The Structure and Installations at Hulda and Their Function as a Jewish Winepress Amos Kloner
The Ceramic Incense Shovels from Sepphoris: Another View Eric M. Meyers
The Tyranny of Texts: A Rebellion against the Primacy of Written Documents in Defining Archaeological Agendas Steven A. Rosen
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