Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near Eastern Context
A Tribute to Nadav Na'aman
Edited by Yairah Amit, Ehud Ben Zvi, Israel Finkelstein, and Oded Lipschits
Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near Eastern Context
A Tribute to Nadav Na'aman
Edited by Yairah Amit, Ehud Ben Zvi, Israel Finkelstein, and Oded Lipschits
With this volume, Professor Na’aman’s students and colleagues honor “one of the greatest historians of our time in the study of the biblical period” (from the Preface). Nadav Na’aman is Professor of Jewish History in the Biblical Period at Tel Aviv University (and has held the Kaplan Chair for the History of Egypt and Israel in Ancient Times since 2005). Over the past three decades, he has established a reputation for innovative and careful research in hundreds of memorable articles and monographs, many appearing in a recent three-volume set of his collected essays published by Eisenbrauns (Ancient Israel and Its Neighbors [2005]; Canaan in the Second Millennium B.C.E. [2005]; Ancient Israel’s History and Historiography [2006]).
- Description
- Table of Contents
Reflecting the breadth and interconnectedness of Professor Na’aman’s research areas, this volume contains contributions on archaeology, ancient Near East (other than ancient Israel), Israel’s ancient history and historiography, and biblical studies. Contributors include: Yairah Amit, Moshe Anbar, Hans M. Barstad, Bob Becking, Amnon Ben-Tor, Ehud Ben Zvi, J. Blenkinsopp, Yoram Cohen and Itamar Singer, Philip R. Davies, Diana Edelman, I. Eph’al and H. Tadmor, Israel Finkelstein, Lester L. Grabbe, Sara Japhet, Gary N. Knoppers, Oded Lipschits, Amihai Mazar, Tryggve N. D. Mettinger, Tallay Ornan, Ronny Reich and Benjamin Sass, Miriam Tadmor, David Ussishkin, John Van Seters, H. G. M. Williamson, and Ran Zadok.
List of the Publications of Nadav Naʾaman
Looking at History through Literary Glasses Too Yairah Amit
To Put One’s Neck under the Yoke Moshe Anbar
Sic dicit dominus: Mari Prophetic Texts and the Hebrew Bible Hans M. Barstad
The Return of the Deity: Iconic or Aniconic? Bob Becking
Do the Execration Texts Reflect an Accurate Picture of the Contemporary Settlement Map of Palestine? Amnon Ben-Tor
Observations on Josiah’s Account in Chronicles and Implications for Reconstructing the Worldview of the Chronicler Ehud Ben Zvi
Hezekiah and the Babylonian Delegation: A Critical Reading of Isaiah 39:1–8 J. Blenkinsopp
A Late Synchronism between Ugarit and Emar Yoram Cohen and Itamar Singer
The Origin of Biblical Israel Philip R. Davies
The Iconography of Wisdom Diana Edelman
Observations on Two Inscriptions of Esarhaddon: Prism Nineveh A and the Letter to the God I. Ephʾal and H. Tadmor
The Last Labayu: King Saul and the Expansion of the First North Israelite Territorial Entity Israel Finkelstein
“The Lying Pen of the Scribes”? Jeremiah and History Lester L. Grabbe
The Wall of Jerusalem from a Double Perspective: Kings versus Chronicles Sara Japhet
Yhwh’s Rejection of the House Built for His Name: On the Significance of Anti-temple Rhetoric in the Deuteronomistic History Gary N. Knoppers
On Cash-Boxes and Finding or Not Finding Books: Jehoash’s and Josiah’s Decisions to Repair the Temple Oded Lipschits
Jerusalem in the 10th Century b.c.e.: The Glass Half Full Amihai Mazar
A Conversation with My Critics: Cultic Image or Aniconism in the First Temple? Tryggve N. D. Mettinger
The Lady and the Bull: Remarks on the Bronze Plaque from Tel Dan Tallay Ornan
Three Hebrew Seals from the Iron Age Tombs at Mamillah, Jerusalem Ronny Reich and Benjamin Sass
Realism and Convention in the Depiction of Ancient Drummers Miriam Tadmor
Sennacherib’s Campaign to Philistia and Judah:Ekron, Lachish, and Jerusalem David Ussishkin
The Deuteronomist—Historian or Redactor? From Simon to the Present John Van Seters
A Productive Textual Error in Isaiah 2:18–19 H. G. M. Williamson
The Geography of the Borsippa Region Ran Zadok
Index of Authors
Index of Scripture
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