Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal
Part I: Texts
Simo Parpola
Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal
Part I: Texts
Simo Parpola
Eisenbrauns is pleased to announce this quality reprint of Simo Parpola’s classic work, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. On the transliteration
2. On the translation
3. Explanation of symbols used
Texts and translations
1. Letters from Scribes (1–112)
1–29 Istar-sumu-eres
30 –33 Nabu-zeru-liser
34–58 Balasi
59–76 Nabu-ahhe-eriba
77–79 Nabu-sumu-iddina
80–81 Babu-sumu-iddina
82–84 Nergal-sumu-iddina
85–86 scribes of Kalizi
87–92 Nabu a
93–99 Istar-nadin-apli
100–112 unknown authors
2. Letters from haruspices (113–118)
113–117 Marduk-sumu-usur
118 Tabni
3. Letters from exorcists (119–245)
119–170 Adad-sumu-usar
171–202 Marduk-sakin-sumi
203–214 Nabu-nadin-sumi
215–222 Nabu-naser
223–226 Urad-Gula
227 Nabu-gamil
228–245 unknown authors
4. Letters from physicians (246–267)
246–257 Urad-Nana
258–262 Ikkaru
263 Bani
264 Nabu-tabni-usur
265–267 unknown authors
5. Letters from appeasers (268–274: all from Urad-Ea)
6. Miscellaneous (275–317)
275–297 Mar-Istar
298–316 Akkullanu
317 Adad-ahu-iddina
7. Anonymous letters in the form of uÕiltu-reports (318–345)
1. Previously published texts
2. Previously unpublished texts
3. Joins
4. Names and places
5. Analytic index
Notes on the cuneiform tablets
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