Birkat Shalom
Studies in the Bible, Ancient Near Eastern Literature, and Postbiblical Judaism Presented to Shalom M. Paul on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday
Edited by Chaim Cohen, Victor Avigdor Hurowitz, Avi M. Hurvitz, Yochanan Muffs, Baruch J. Schwartz, and Jeffrey H. Tigay
Birkat Shalom
Studies in the Bible, Ancient Near Eastern Literature, and Postbiblical Judaism Presented to Shalom M. Paul on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday
Edited by Chaim Cohen, Victor Avigdor Hurowitz, Avi M. Hurvitz, Yochanan Muffs, Baruch J. Schwartz, and Jeffrey H. Tigay
This magnificent volume is a compilation of the writings of friends, colleagues, and former students in tribute to Shalom Paul, Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Bible Department at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. More than 60 essayists contribute new ideas in the areas of research most loved by Prof. Paul, such as biblical literature and criticism, prophecy, comparative exegesis and linguistics, ancient Near Eastern historical and cultural milieus, and biblical and Mesopotamian law.
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Errata
Contributors include scholars of renown such as Adele Berlin, Frank Moore Cross, William G. Dever, Michael V. Fox, William W. Hallo, Sara Japhet, André Lemaire, Carol Meyers, Jacob Milgrom, Elisha Qimron, Gary A. Rendsburg, Jack M. Sasson, Shemaryahu Talmon, Emanuel Tov, James C. VanderKam, Joan Goodnick Westenholz, and Ziony Zevit.
Volume 1
Shalom Paul: Scholar, Teacher, Friend Victor Avigdor Hurowitz
Publications of Shalom M. Paul
Part 1: The Bible
The Torah
Statut Public et Droit Privé dans la Tôrâh Henri Cazelles
Exodus 21:22–25 Revisited: Methodological Considerations Barry L. Eichler
Three Major Redactors of the Torah Richard Elliott Friedman
Nimrod, Son of Cush, King of Mesopotamia, and the Dates of P and J Israel Knohl
A Linguistic Analysis of the Phrase ’l mshntw (Exodus 21:19) and the Homiletic Sense ’l mshntw – ’l bwryw Simcha Kogut
Burnt Offering of Head, Peder, and Kidneys Edward Lipin
The Desecration of Yhwh’s Name: Its Parameters and Significance Jacob Milgrom
Alliteration in the Exodus Narrative Gary A. Rendsburg
Deuteronomic Concepts of Exile Interpreted in Jeremiah and Ezekiel Dalit Rom-Shiloni
Light in Genesis 1:3—Created or Uncreated: A Question of Priestly Mysticism? Mark S. Smith
The Historical Books
“They Feared God/They Did Not Fear God”: On the Use of yere’ YHWH and yare’ ’et YHWH in 2 Kings 17:24–41 Shawn Zelig Aster
The Lament of David over Abner Elisha Qimron
Oracle Inquiries in Judges Jack M. Sasson
King Solomon J. A. Soggin
Synchronic and Diachronic Considerations in the DtrH Portrayal of the Demise of Solomon’s Kingdom Marvin A. Sweeney
“And the Lord Sent Moses and Aaron” Yair Zakovitch
The Davidic-Solomonic Empire from the Perspective of Archaeological Bibliology Ziony Zevit
The Books of the Prophets
The Sinai Theophany in the Psalm of Habakkuk Shmuel Ahituv
Jeremiah 3:1–4:2 between Deuteronomy 24 and Matthew 5: Jeremiah’s Exercise in Ethical Criticism Mayer I. Gruber
The Historical Background of the Prophecies of Amos Menahem Haran
Isaiah and the Transition from Prophecy to Apocalyptic Ronald Hendel
Engendering Ezekiel: Female Figures Reconsidered Carol Meyers
Zechariah 12:12–14 and Hosea 10:5 in the Light of an Ancient Mourning Practice Alexander Rofé
The Ultimate Aim of Israel’s Restoration in Ezekiel Baruch J. Schwartz
Is It Good for the Jews? Ambiguity and the Rhetoric of Turning in Isaiah Benjamin D. Sommer
The Message of Psalm 114 Adele Berlin
The Writings
A New Criterion for Identifying “Wisdom Psalms” Tova Forti
Concepts of Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs Michael V. Fox
“The Voice of YHWH Causes Hinds to Calve” (Psalm 29:9) Jeffrey H. Tigay
The Influence of Legal Style on the Style of Aphorism: The Origin of the Retribution Formula and the Clause lô yinnaqeh ‘He Will Not Go Unpunished’ in the Book of Proverbs Shamir Yona
Part 2: The Bible and the Ancient Near East
The Mesopotamian Background of the Term µymyh tyrja in the World-Peace Vision of Isaiah 2:2a Pinhas Artzi
The Lions of Nineveh (Nahum 2:12–14): A Check on Nahum’s Familiarity with Assyria Mordechai Cogan
New Directions in Modern Biblical Hebrew Lexicography Chaim Cohen
Ahab and Archaeology: A Commentary on 1 Kings 16–22 William G. Dever
Hurrian Ullikummi and Daniel’s “Little Horn” Roy E. Gane
Reanalysis in Biblical and Babylonian Poetry Edward L. Greenstein
In Search of Resen (Genesis 10:12): Dur-Sharrukin? Victor Avigdor Hurowitz
Deuteronomy 6:6, 9 in the Light of Northwest Semitic Inscriptions André Lemaire
The Myth of Tammuz in Biblical Narrative Baruch Margalit
Volume 2
Part 3: The Ancient Near East
Scribal Initiative in the Clarification and Interpretation of Mesopotamian Law Collections Pamela Barmash
Two Aramaic Ostraca from a Tannery in ’Ên Gedî Esther Eshel and Hanan Eshel
Wordplay in the Lamashtu Incantations J. N. Ford
“The Ship of the Desert, the Donkey of the Sea”: The Camel in Early Mesopotamia Revisited Wayne Horowitz
“Secular” Love Songs in Mesopotamian Literature Jacob Klein and Yitschak Sefati
A Seated Figurine from Tell Ets-Tsâfi Gath: A Philistine Image of El? Aren M. Maeir
The Deity Addu (Hadad) of Kallassu (near Aleppo) in Two Mari Letters Abraham Malamat
Negotiating with Hammu-rapi: Frank H. Polak
The Love Poem of Rim-Sîn and Nanaya Marcel Sigrist and Joan Goodnick Westenholz
On rahatsum I, II, III and on Akkadian rihtsum = Hebrew ’tsrh Nathan Wasserman
From Biqºat to KTK: “All Aram” in the Sefîre Inscription in the Light of Amos 1:5 Nili Wazana
Two Become One: A Unique Memorandum of Obligation Ada Yardeni and Bezalel Porten
Part 4: Postbiblical, Medieval, and Modern Judaism
The Place of Genres in Bible Curricula Yairah Amit
The Three-Day Period of Purification before Entering the Temple Aaron Demsky
Scribal Interventions in 1QIsaiaha David Noel Freedman luuz and Joshua J. Van Ee
The “Plotting Witness” and Beyond: A Continuum in Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Talmudic Law Shamma Friedman
Franz Rosenzweig and the Land of Two Rivers William W. Hallo
Rashi and the “Messianic” Psalms Robert A. Harris
“The Lovers’ Way”: Cultural Symbiosis in a Medieval Commentary on the Song of Songs Sara Japhet
A Rather Risqué Pun in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Matthew Morgenstern
The “Voice” of the Narrator and the “Voice” of the Characters in the Bible Commentaries of Yefet ben ºEli Meira Polliack
Codification of Jewish Law in the Dead Sea Scrolls Lawrence H. Schiffman
Mismarot Lists (4Q322–324c) and “Historical Texts” (4Q322a; 4Q331–4Q333) in Qumran Documents Shemaryahu Talmon and Jonathan Ben-Dov
Literary Analysis, the So-Called Original Text of Hebrew Scripture, and Textual Evaluation Emanuel Tov
Sources for the Astronomy in 1 Enoch 72–82 James C. VanderKam
I. O. Lehman, HUC mss 951–981 from Kai Feng, and a Purported Link between China and Yemen David B. Weisberg
Philo and Maimonides on the Garden of Eden Narrative David Winston
Index of Authors
Index of Scripture
Index of Words, Terms, and Expressions
Index of Nonbiblical Sources
Due to an error in the final stages of production, one line was omitted from the top of p. 140 of Shawn Zelig Aster’s article. The missing line, to be restored at the top of p. 140, is:
"day, they follow the earlier practices:{8} they do not fear Yhwh and do not do"
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