Proceedings of the 53th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
Vol. 2: City Administration in the Ancient Near East
Edited by Leonid E. Kogan, Natalia Koslova, Sergey Loesov, and Serguei Tishchenko
Proceedings of the 53th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
Vol. 2: City Administration in the Ancient Near East
Edited by Leonid E. Kogan, Natalia Koslova, Sergey Loesov, and Serguei Tishchenko
The topic of the meetings in St. Petersburg portion of the 53e RAI was, as the title indicates, city administration. Of the 19 papers published in this volume, 2 are based on plenary, opening papers; 16 discuss various aspects of administration from very early times in geographic regions stretching from the extreme south of Mesopotamia, through the middle and upper Euphrates, to Ugarit; and 3 discuss labor and professions in the Ur III period.
- Description
- Table of Contents
The first half of the proceedings, Language in the Ancient Near East (in 2 parts), is available via the “also of interest” link at the bottom of the page.
City Administration in the Ancient Near East
Opening Lectures
G. Selz “He put in order the accounts …” Remarks on the Early Dynastic Background of the Administrative Reorganizations in the Ur III State
J.-M. Durand Être chef d’un état amorrite City Administration in the Ancient Near East
S. Dalley Administration in Texts from the First Sealand Dynasty
D. Katz City Administration in Poetry: the Case of the Herald
R. Kolinski Between City Institutions and Markets: Mesopotamian Traders of the 2nd Millennium BC
D. Lacambre L’administration de Chagar Bazar (Ašnakkum) à l’époque de Samsi-Addu
M. Lönnqvist How to Control Nomads? A Case Study Associated with Jebel Bishri in Central Syria West Semitic Nomads in Relation to the Urban World
M. Maiocchi The Sargonic “Archive” of Me-sásag7 , Cup-Bearer of Adab
L. Marti Le
azannu à Mari et sur le Moyen-Euphrate
B. Nilhamn From Oral Promise to Written Receipt. A Cognitive Study of the Use of Mnemonics within Ancient Administration
S. Paulus Verschenkte Städte—Königliche Landschenkungen an Götter und Menschen
J. Taylor Úazannum: The Forgotten Mayor
Ju. Tsirkin Städtische Selbstverwaltung und sozialpolitischer Gemeindesektor in Phönikien und Syrien
G. Van Buylaere The Role of the
azannu in the Neo-Assyrian Empire
W. H. van Soldt The City-Administration of Ugarit
G. Visicato New Light from an Unpublished Archive of Meskigalla, Ensi of Adab Housed in the Cornell University Collections
Professions and Labor in the Ur III Period
X. Ouyang Administration of the Irrigation Fee in Umma during the Ur III Period (ca–2004 BCE)
S. Garfinkle What Work Did the Damgars Do? Towards a Definition of Ur III Labor
J. L. Dahl A Babylonian Gang of Potters. Reconstructing the Social Organization of Crafts Production in the Late Third Millennium BC Southern Mesopotamia
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