Cover image for Strings and Threads: A Celebration of the Work of Anne Draffkorn Kilmer Edited by Wolfgang Heimpel and Gabriella Szabo

Strings and Threads

A Celebration of the Work of Anne Draffkorn Kilmer

Edited by Wolfgang Heimpel and Gabriella Szabo


$69.95 | Hardcover Edition
ISBN: 978-1-57506-227-3

320 pages
8.5" × 11"

Strings and Threads

A Celebration of the Work of Anne Draffkorn Kilmer

Edited by Wolfgang Heimpel and Gabriella Szabo

Anne Draffkorn Kilmer has had a long and fruitful career as an academic in Assyriology. After receiving her doctorate in Philadelphia and serving as assistant to Benno Landsberger in Chicago, she came to Berkeley in 1963 and stayed there for the long term, despite offers from other universities. During her career, in addition to her many contributions to Assyriology and ancient musicology, she served the university in various administrative functions. In Assyriology, her wide and varied interests included lexical texts, mathematics, animals, entertainment, and especially music. Her discoveries were often unexpected and dramatic.


  • Description
  • Table of Contents
Anne Draffkorn Kilmer has had a long and fruitful career as an academic in Assyriology. After receiving her doctorate in Philadelphia and serving as assistant to Benno Landsberger in Chicago, she came to Berkeley in 1963 and stayed there for the long term, despite offers from other universities. During her career, in addition to her many contributions to Assyriology and ancient musicology, she served the university in various administrative functions. In Assyriology, her wide and varied interests included lexical texts, mathematics, animals, entertainment, and especially music. Her discoveries were often unexpected and dramatic.

In this volume, the essays presented in her honor focus on many of Prof. Kilmer’s primary interests. The contributions are divided into two sections, reflecting the title, “Strings and Threads.” The “strings” portion of the volume collects essays that follow her interest in musicology and related matters, especially “music archaeology.” It is well known that she studied ancient Hurrian, Mesopotamian, and Ugaritic texts containing musical notations and/or songs, and has been at the forefront of decipherment and explanation of these texts. And a number of essays in this volume address various aspects of ancient music, whether it be the lyrics of the songs or the pictorial representation of music-making or the language in which music is described. In the “threads” portion of the volume are collected essays on various aspects of Mesopotamian narrative literature, an area to which Anne contributed significant insight on the structure of compositions and verbal wordplay used by ancient authors. A number of the articles in the volume follow up on or parallel Prof. Kilmer’s work in this area.

Contributors include: G. Azarpay, D. Collon, J. Cooper, R. L. Crocker, D. Foxvog, E. Hickmann, A. B. Knapp, E. Leichty, S. L. Macgregor, S. B. Noegel, D. Pickworth, E. Robson, J. C. Ross, D. Schmandt-Besserat, D. Stronach, and R. L. Zettler. The volume concludes with a bibliography and an index of the works of A. D. Kilmer.



Guitty Azarpay The Imagery of the Manichean ‘Call’ on a Sogdian Funerary Relief from China

Dominique Collon Chinless Wonders

Jerrold S. Cooper Puns and Prebends: The Tale of Enlil and Namzitara

Richard L. Crocker No Polyphony before a.d!

Daniel A. Foxvog Aspects of Name-Giving in Presargonic Lagash

John Curtis Franklin “Sweet Psalmist of Israel”: The Kinnôr and Royal Ideology in the United Monarchy

Ellen Hickmann Music Archaeology as a Field of Interdisciplinary Research

A. Bernard Knapp Sound of Silence: Music and Musical Practice in Late Bronze–Iron Age Cyprus

Erle Leichty A New Fragment of Ludlul Bel Nemeqi

Sherry Lou Macgregor Foreign Musicians in Neo-Assyrian Royal Courts

Scott B. Noegel “Wordplay” in the Song of Erra

Diana Pickworth Dug Ubur-Imin: A Seven-Nipple Lid and Seven-Nipple Vessels

Eleanor Robson The Discovery of Professor von Saalbrandt: A Philadelphia Story

Jennifer C. Ross Lost: The Missing Lexical Lists of the Archaic Period

Denise Schmandt-Besserat Spirits and Demons of All Times

David Stronach A Pipes Player and a Lyre Player: Notes on Three Achaemenid or Near-Achaemenid

Silver Rhyta Found in the Vicinity of Erebuni, Armenia

Richard L. Zettler Banqueting and Music: An Early Dynastic I Sealing from Nippur

Bibliography of Anne Draffkorn Kilmer’s Works

Index of Anne Draffkorn Kilmer’s Works

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