Cuneiform Texts in The Metropolitan Museum of Art Volume IV
The Ebabbar Temple Archive and Other Texts from the Fourth to the First Millennium B.C.
Ira Spar and Michael Jursa
Cuneiform Texts in The Metropolitan Museum of Art Volume IV
The Ebabbar Temple Archive and Other Texts from the Fourth to the First Millennium B.C.
Ira Spar and Michael Jursa
This long-anticipated work is the final volume of the CTMMA series and completes the publication of all the cuneiform-inscribed tablets and inscriptions (excluding those on sculptures, reliefs, and seals) in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Published are 183 texts that include 154 cuneiform tablets and tablet fragments, one inscribed clay bulla, fourteen clay cylinders, five clay prisms, and four stone inscriptions.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Economic and Administrative texts are from Sippar, Babylon, Kish, Dilbat, Nippur, Drehem, Uruk, and other sites in Babylonia and ancient Iran. First millennium B.C. royal inscriptions date to the reigns of Ashurnasirpal, Sennacherib, Esarhaddon, Ashurbanipal, Nebuchadnezzar, and Nabonidus. The texts are organized in five parts: Part One contains Neo- and Late Babylonian economic and administrative tablets and fragments from the archives of the Ebabbar temple in Sippar. Part Two includes Neo- and Late Babylonian period economic and administrative tablets from Babylonia and other sites. Part Three includes Late Babylonian administrative and archival tablets from Babylon. Part Four contains royal and non-royal brick, stone, bulla, cylinder, and prism inscriptions from the second and first millennia B.C. A final section (Part Five) includes three proto-cuneiform archaic tablets and two Ur III administrative tablets.
Professors Ira Spar (Professor of Ancient Studies at Ramapo College of New Jersey and Research Assyriologist at The Metropolitan Museum of Art) and Michael Jursa (University Professor of Assyriology, University of Vienna) were assisted by a team of distinguished scholars and conservators who provided valuable insights into the preparation of scholarly editions of the texts, seal impressions, and technical analysis published in this volume.
442 pages, 174 plates, including drawings of 183 texts and photographs of selected tablets
Director’s Foreword
Thomas Campbell
Ira Spar
Bibliographical Abbreviations
Other Abbreviations
Catalogue of Texts
Concordance of Tablets, Brick, Stone, Bulla, Prism and Cylinder Inscriptions
Concordance of Tablets with Seal Impressions
Concordance of Tablets with Fingernail Impressions
Concordance of Tablets with Incised Marks
Personal Names
Ethnic and Tribal Names
Geographical Names
Divine Names
Temple and Shrine Names
The Ebabbar Temple Archive
Michael Jursa
Seal Impressions
Yelena Rakic
Part One: Neo Assyrian and Neo/Late Babylonian Period
Economic and Administrative Tablets from the Archives of the Ebabbar Temple in Sippar
Michael Jursa and Ira Spar
Seal Impression Commentary
Yelena Rakic
Part Two: Neo /Late Babylonian Period
Economic and Administrative Texts from Babylonia and Other Sites
Michael Jursa and Ira Spar
Text No. 142
Matthew W. Stolper
Seal Impression Commentary
Yelena Rakic
Technical Analysis
Jean-Francois de Lapérouse
Part Three: Late Babylonian
Archival and Administrative Texts
Ronald Wallenfels
Text No. 148
Ronald Wallenfels and Robertus van der Spek
Seal Impression Commentary
Yelena Rakic
Part Four: Inscriptions of the Second and First Millennia B.C.
Text Nos. 151, 165–178
Grant Frame
Text Nos. 152–153
Matthew W. Stolper
Text Nos. 157–161
Erle V. Leichty
Seal Impression Commentary
Yelena Rakic
Technical Analysis
Jean-Francois de Lapérouse
Part Five: Addendum
Text Nos. 179–181
Robert K. Englund
Text Nos. 182–183
Uri Gabbay and Marcel Sigrist
Seal Impression Commentary
Yelena Rakic
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