Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, Volume 2
Dossiers 11-50: 263 Commodity Chits
Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni
Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, Volume 2
Dossiers 11-50: 263 Commodity Chits
Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni
Since 1991, some 2,000 Aramaic ostraca deriving from the south of Israel have appeared on the antiquities market and are now scattered in 9 museums and libraries and 21 private collections. Of these, the majority are still not formally published, and in this second volume in the series, Bezalel Porten continues the publication of this important corpus of 4th century B.C.E. economic texts. With the expert epigraphic assistance of Ada Yardeni and hand-copies by her as well, Porten here provides the second volume of texts, organized by “dossier” based on the primary personage cited in the text. Color photographs (where available), ceramic descriptions, hand-copies, transcription, translation, and commentary are provided for each text, along with tables of seven grain dossiers. This publication will become the primary resource for information on these texts, which provide insight into the economic, social, and religious lives of Idumeans in the late Persian and early Hellenistic periods.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Abbreviations and Select Bibliography
Explanation of Typographic Conventions
Grain Equivalencies
Numeration Legend
A11–50 Commodity Chits
A11–50 Personal Name Dossiers
A11–14 Betweeen 25 and 20 Entries (between 15 and 12 chits)
A11.1–24/25 (15 chits) Dossier of Qosmalak
A12.1–24 (12 chits) Dossier of Zubaydu
A13.1–20 (12 chits) Dossier of Abdadah
A14.1–23 (13 chits) Dossier of Al(i)qos
A15–25 Between 19 and 11 entries (between 11 and 2 chits)
A15.1–18 (5 chits) Dossier of Zabdi
A16.1–16 (9 chits) Dossier of Qosḥanan
A17.1–16 (10 chits) Dossier of Qosadar/ider
A18.1–14 (10 chits) Dossier of Ḥal(a)fan
A19.1–15 (10 chits) Dossier of Aydu/Iyadu/Ghayru
A20.1–13 (5 chits) Dossier of Qosyinqom
A21.1–16 (11 chits) Dossier of Maš(i)ku
A22.1–12 (10 chits) Dossier of Suaydu
A23.1–11 (4 chits) Dossier of Malku
A24.1–13 (5 chits) Dossier of Ubaydu
A25.1–11 (2 chits) Dossier of Laadiel
A26–40 Between 11/12 and 8 entries (between 9 and 4 chits)
A26.1–10 (9 chits) Dossier of Qosyahab
A27.1–10 (6 chits) Dossier of Qosnaqam
A28.1–9 (4 chits) Dossier of Zaydu/Ziyadu
A29.1–9 (6 chits) Dossier of Uzayzu
A30.1–11/12 (8 chits) Dossier of Qosani
A31.1–11 (5 chits) Dossier of Qosrim
A32.1–8 (4 chits) Dossier of Zabdiel
A33.1–8 (8 chits) Dossier of Ḥaggagu
A34.1–8 (5 chits) Dossier of Ḥori
A35.1–10 (5 chits) Dossier of Ḥazira
A36.1–8 (5 chits) Dossier of Naum
A37.1–8 (6 chits) Dossier of Ani
A38.1–9 (8 chits) Dossier of Udaydu/ru
A39.1–8 (8 chits) Dossier of Qoslakin
A40.1–9 (4 chits) Dossier of Qosghayr
A41–50 Between 7 and 4 entries (between 6 and 3 chits)
A41.1–7 (4 chits) Dossier of Zabdu
A42.1–7 (5 chits) Dossier of Yathu
A43.1–6 (4 chits) Dossier of Marṣaat
A44.1–7 (4 chits) Dossier of Qosyad
A45.1–6 (3 chits) Dossier of Qoslaytha
A46.1–7 (3 chits) Dossier of Rahnu
A47.1–6 (4 chits) Dossier of Zabdadah
A48.1–6 (3 chits) Dossier of Zaydi
A49.1–4 (3 chits) Dossier of Ḥaggai
A50.1–6 (6 chits) Dossier of Nutaynu
A4.29a from the Dossier of Al(i)baal
A8.15a from the Dossier of Samitu
Five Dossiers of Processed Grain Measured by Capacity (152 Entries)
Table 1. The Dossier of Semolina and Flour
Table 2. The Dossier of Resh
Table 3. The Dossier of Crushed/Sifted Grain
Table 4. The Dossier of Grindings
Table 5. The Dossier of Barley Flour
Three Dossiers of Containers Measured by Numbers (126 Entries)
Table 6. The Dossier of bundles
Table 7. The Dossier of bales
Table 8. The Dossier of Loads
Table 9. Master Chart
Table 10. The Dossiers' Scribes
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