Babel und Bibel 8
Studies in Sumerian Language and Literature: Festschrift Joachim Krecher
Edited by Natalia Koslova, E. Vizirova, and Gabor Zólyomi
Babel und Bibel 8
Studies in Sumerian Language and Literature: Festschrift Joachim Krecher
Edited by Natalia Koslova, E. Vizirova, and Gabor Zólyomi
This is the eighth volume of Babel und Bibel, an annual of ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic studies. The principal goal of the annual is to reveal the inherent relationship between Assyriology, Semitics, and biblical studies—a relationship that our predecessors comprehended and fruitfully explored but that is often neglected today. The title Babel und Bibel is intended to point to the possibility of fruitful collaboration among the three disciplines, in an effort to explore the various civilizations of the ancient Near East.
- Description
- Table of Contents
This volume is a festschrift for Joachim Krecher, Professor of Assyriology in the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Krecher is best known, perhaps, for his seminal Sumerische Kultlyrik, published already in 1966. This compendium includes 17 essays by friends and colleagues, all focusing on Sumerian language and literature.
Foreword (by Natalia Koslova and Gábor Zólyomi)
Veronika Afanasieva
Zu einigen literarischen Mitteln im Text é-u6-nir
Pascal Attinger
Iddin-Dagan A
Thomas Balke
Some Observations on the Old Sumerian Onomasticon
Barbara Boeck
Die Hymne Ninisina A Z–42 mit einem Exkurs über ša3 ‘Bauch, Magen-Darm-Trakt’ als Sitz der Gefühle
Gertrud Farber
Aspect Distribution of the Sumerian Verb ‘to Give Birth’
Walter Farber
Schnell mit der Rechten, vorsichtig mit der Linken!
Daniel Foxvog
Ellipsis in Sumerian
Irina Kaneva
Parenthesis in Sumerian
Fumi Karahashi
Sumerian Construction of Finite Verb + -(a)-am3/6: Explanation and Focus
Jacob Klein
A New Look at the Sumerian Proverb Tablet from Geneva
Natalia Koslova
Zu den Anfangszeilen einiger Edubba’a-Kompositionen
Manfred Krebernik, Horst Steible, Fatma Yıldız
Prä-Fāra-zeitliche Texte aus Fāra
Catherine Mittermayer
Der Wettstreit zwischen Dumuzi und Enkimdu
Manuel Molina
From Court Records to Sammelurkunden: A New Tablet from Umma and TCL 5, 6047
Joachim Oelsner
Bemerkungen zum Edubba’a in Uruk
Gebhard Selz
Considerations on Narration in Early Mesopotamia
Claus Wilcke
Gesetze in sumerischer Sprache
Annette Zgoll
Der Sonnengott als Transporteur von Seelen (Psychopompos) und Dingen zwischen den Welten im antiken Mesopotamien. Mit einem Einblick in den konzeptuellen Hintergrund des taklimtu-Rituals
Krecher’s works: a bibliography
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