Cover image for Puns and Pundits: Word Play in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Literature Edited by Scott Noegel

Puns and Pundits

Word Play in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Literature

Edited by Scott Noegel


$50 | Hardcover Edition
ISBN: 978-1-883053-49-9

356 pages
6" × 9"
Originally published by CDL Press

Puns and Pundits

Word Play in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Literature

Edited by Scott Noegel

Essays on the use of word play in the literature of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ugarit, and Israel, and Medieval Hebrew and Arabic literature; includes such topics as: alliterative allusions, rebus writing, ominous homophony, portentous puns, and paronomasia.


  • Description
Essays on the use of word play in the literature of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ugarit, and Israel, and Medieval Hebrew and Arabic literature; includes such topics as: alliterative allusions, rebus writing, ominous homophony, portentous puns, and paronomasia.

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