Cover image for Die Neuassyrischen Privatrechtsurkunden: als Quelle fur Mensch und Umwelt By Karen Radner

Die Neuassyrischen Privatrechtsurkunden

als Quelle fur Mensch und Umwelt

Karen Radner


$76.95 | Paperback Edition
ISBN: 978-951-45-7783-3

472 pages
7" × 10"
Distributed by Penn State University Press for Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project

State Archives of Assyria Studies

Die Neuassyrischen Privatrechtsurkunden

als Quelle fur Mensch und Umwelt

Karen Radner

There are almost 2000 private legal texts spanning the years from ca. 850 B.C.E. to 600 B.C.E. from Assyria. While these texts have been studied for their legal matter and their archival context, no systematic attempt has ever been made to relate their content to the realia of everyday life in ancient Assyria. This volume is a first step in this direction, investigating such details as the nature of houses and households. It includes discussion of the texts themselves, the terminology of the texts, prices, and the legal ramifications of the conveyance of real property. Many charts, tables, a full index, and bibliography.


  • Description
  • Subjects
There are almost 2000 private legal texts spanning the years from ca. 850 B.C.E. to 600 B.C.E. from Assyria. While these texts have been studied for their legal matter and their archival context, no systematic attempt has ever been made to relate their content to the realia of everyday life in ancient Assyria. This volume is a first step in this direction, investigating such details as the nature of houses and households. It includes discussion of the texts themselves, the terminology of the texts, prices, and the legal ramifications of the conveyance of real property. Many charts, tables, a full index, and bibliography.

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