Cover image for The Neo-Assyrian Myth of Ištar's Descent and Resurrection By Pirjo Lapinkivi

The Neo-Assyrian Myth of Ištar's Descent and Resurrection

Pirjo Lapinkivi

Coming Soon

$35 | Paperback Edition
ISBN: 978-952-10-1333-1
Coming soon

168 pages
10" × 7"
Distributed by Penn State University Press for Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project

State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts

The Neo-Assyrian Myth of Ištar's Descent and Resurrection

Pirjo Lapinkivi

An edition of the myth commonly known as Ištar’s Descent was first published in 1901. Since then, no complete critical edition of the text has been published. Unlike other SAACT volumes, SAACT 6 amounts to a full critical edition of the myth. In addition to the cuneiform text with transliteration and translation, there is a full critical apparatus and a scored transliteration of all known sources, and all textual variants from the known sources are included in the glossary. The title, Ištar’s Descent and Resurrection, is a reminder that Ištar’s descent to the netherworld was not a one-way trip, but that she also re-ascended to heaven. Beyond the critical edition, there is also extensive commentary that ties in the Sumerian version of the myth, Inanna’s Descent, as well as later parallels from Gnostic texts such as The Exegesis of the Soul and The Hymn of the Pearl. There are also grammatical notes for students, and the publication is rounded off with the usual sign list that accompanies SAACT volumes.


  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • Subjects
An edition of the myth commonly known as Ištar’s Descent was first published in 1901. Since then, no complete critical edition of the text has been published. Unlike other SAACT volumes, SAACT 6 amounts to a full critical edition of the myth. In addition to the cuneiform text with transliteration and translation, there is a full critical apparatus and a scored transliteration of all known sources, and all textual variants from the known sources are included in the glossary. The title, Ištar’s Descent and Resurrection, is a reminder that Ištar’s descent to the netherworld was not a one-way trip, but that she also re-ascended to heaven. Beyond the critical edition, there is also extensive commentary that ties in the Sumerian version of the myth, Inanna’s Descent, as well as later parallels from Gnostic texts such as The Exegesis of the Soul and The Hymn of the Pearl. There are also grammatical notes for students, and the publication is rounded off with the usual sign list that accompanies SAACT volumes.




Previous Work on Ištar’s Descent

Abbreviations and Symbols


Cuneiform Text


Text Score

Middle Assyrian Version



Contextual Commentary and Analysis

Grammatical Commentary

Glossary and Indices

Logograms and Their Readings


Index of Names

Sign List